Saturday, January 30, 2016

Chapter 3: Federalism - E-copy & Quiz (Due Wednesday Feb 3). Quiz Results, No. 2.

>>Link: Quiz 3 Federalism
Closes Wednesday February 3 @7:45AM

>>Link: Chapter 3 - Federalism<<
 A copy of the third chapter on Federalism for those of you who need it. This is the last chapter that will be available to you on this blog. Going forward, you'll need a copy of the book or the ebook.

Don't forget to do your assignment on the Bill of Rights and bring that to class on Monday.

>>Link: Result for Quiz 02<< 
Here are the results for the second quiz. I realized two of the questions were corrupted. Odd. So I dropped them. Overall not to bad. I'll talk about what you all missed on Monday.

I noticed a lot of students did not attempt Quiz 2. Even if you have yet to receive your copy of the textbook, you ought to read the pdf version and do this quiz. Don't rack up too many zeroes at the beginning of the semester...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

HW: Constitute DUE MONDAY

Due Monday at Start of Class

Above is the link to the first assignment. You will need to have this completed and brought to class on Monday. It is important that you complete the assigned reading before you attempt the assignment.

Also: there is no minimum length for the response. You should not just write a single sentence, but offer thoughtful and interesting reasons why you feel the way you do. Because these will be used as a tool for our discussion, it gives you a chance to get your thoughts on paper.

I will answer more questions about this tomorrow during class, so don't email me until after tomorrow about it :)

Monday, January 25, 2016

Quiz 2 - The Constitution DUE Friday by 11:59 PM AND some Housekeeping (Please Read)

Above please find the link for Quiz 2. Note that although the syllabus says it is due Wednesday before class, I am allowing you to finish it by Friday night. Some quick reminders in light of the change:

1. I am going to take your 8 highest scores for your quiz grade. This does not mean quizzes are optional. Rather, for each quiz you do not take you will receive a "0" score for that quiz. So if you skip this quiz and the next two, for instance, you will already have low scoring quizzes as part of your pool of quizzes (indeed, zero is the lowest score you can receive on a quiz).  In short, you should attempt all quizzes going forward. *The only optional quiz is the first one, which is due today.

2. If you decide to not do a quiz, you are still responsible for the reading assignment. Take reading notes, have a few questions for the start of class or lecture, a comment on the reading, etc. That way if I call on you I'll know you at least did the reading assignment.

3. I am NOT placing Chapter 2 online. I went to the bookstore and counted no less than 20 copies this afternoon, so that or Amazon or wherever you buy books puts you on the hook to get a copy of it. And for those that want to save money and don't mind reading on the computer, you can go to the publisher's website (click here) to buy a copy of the eBook version. 
*Note that I will put Chapter 3 online, but only because it is already available for free on the publisher's website. 

That's all for now. See you Wednesday. And do the reading! -ZG


Below is a link to the quiz results listed by Student ID No. Nice job to those who took it.

Sometimes I will often post a discussion of the question that most people got incorrect and offer an "explainer". Most people had trouble with the question about the "free rider problem."

Answer: "A free rider problem occurs when everyone fails to work toward a common goal."

Recall that the free rider problem reflects the notion that individuals people are better working together, but have an incentive to refuse to participate if they expect the work to still get done.

>>Link: Results - Quiz 1<<

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ice Cream Poll -- Please participate!

Hey class. In advance of Monday -- and to distract from the reading -- you should take this poll I just made. It asks you to respond to only one question: "what is your favorite flavor of ice cream." You can pick a regular-old flavor like chocolate or vanilla, or type in something crazy (a flavor of Ben and Jerry's or Coldstone, for instance). Simply type your answer; link to poll below:

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Chapter One

Link Chapter One

Above is the link to the first chapter. This is REQUIRED READING even if you choose not to take the quiz.

Questions? Email me. 

Quiz 1: Introduction to American Politics [Optional]

Link to Quiz 1

Above is the link for the (optional) first quiz. The questions correspond with Chapter 1 of the textbook. You should not attempt the quiz before reading the material.

Note that you are under no obligation to take the quiz, but if you do it will add to your overall "pool" of quizzes.

Please complete the quiz by 11:59 PM on Saturday 1/23.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


The syllabus is always to the right (on the desktop/non-mobile site), but it will also be posted here. This makes it easy to access on your mobile device.

>>Link: Syllabus Poli-1 MW<<