Thursday, February 25, 2016

Readings to do by Monday - Theories of Government

>>REQUIRED Dahl, "Who Governs"<< 

>>REQUIRED Video: Understanding Pluralism<<

>>REQUIRED Article: Overview of Pluralism<<

>>REQUIRED Article: Hyperpluralism<<

>>Optional Reading: "Kludgeocracy<<

>>Optional Reading: Public Choice, an Elite Theory<<

Don't be alarmed! These readings all amount to about the same number of pages as a chapter from the textbook.

Work Order: 

1. Read Dahl. This is an essential introduction to the theory of Pluralism.
2. Watch the video "Understanding Pluralism" I posted from YouTube. It provides an overview of Dahl book and presents an example of how the concept works. (Its about 3.5 minutes long, nice and short).
3. Read the Overview of Pluralism. With that overview in mind. This will clarify what Dahl is talking about.
4. Read the second article which presents the idea of "Hyperpluralism" -- the concept of pluralism at its extreme.

I've posted two optional readings as well. Each will help to expand on your understanding of both Public Choice (an Elite Theory) and Hyperpluralism. Note: if there ends up being a midterm question about Elite Theory, Pluralism, or Hyperpluralism, citing these optional readings can make your grade even better.

I am not going to give you an assignment for any of these readings, but I will expect you to have read them. Be advised that I might finally just choose people at random to answer questions about readings, and per the syllabus, I reserve the right to ask you to leave if you are obviously unprepared. With that in mind, if you don't understand something, write a question or two down while you read and ask me in class! Take notes on the readings! 

A key question to ask when you are done with the readings and video: which theory do you think is more applicable to American democracy-- Power Elite, which you read last time, or Pluralism? Or is hyperpluralism explanatory? 

Questions, email me.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Reading for Wednesday: The Power Elite & Textbook pgs. 166-174

Also: Review/Read Textbook Chapter 5, pages 166-174. 

This will help underscore our discussion of civil rights, which will kick off the hour.

Regarding The Power Elite:
Pay particular attention to Section 4 of this chapter. If its Wednesday morning at 6:30 am, start there and read through the end.

While reading, ask yourself the following questions:

1. When was this first published? After reading, ask yourself if this conception of America is still relevant.

2. Who is “the power elite”? What types of people or groups comprise the power elite?
3.  Is Mills convincing? If so, or if not, why? Pick portions of the text which resonate.

You are not required to turn anything in, but that means you need to make an earnest attempt to read the entire chapter. In advance of Wednesday, I would recommend pulling out a passage or two that really strikes you as either insightful, interesting, or confusing.

Questions, email me.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Results, Quiz 4 Civil Liberties

Sorry for the delay. Being sick this week has really slowed my workflow and productivity. Overall pretty good, I'll review a few that folks had trouble with tomorrow morning, pie charts and all.

Friday, February 19, 2016

HW: Civil Liberties Due Monday

I beat-the-clock. Sorry for the delay, but you are bound to come across this issue this weekend anyway. Apple is in the news, and we're gonna discuss why.

The directions are posted in the link above. Its a bit of an involved assignment because I want you to search for articles on your own. I think it will add to a more dynamic discussion.

A few notes:
1. Please TYPE this assignment.
2. I *might* randomly call on people this time, so if you don't have your assignment please respectfully leave class when I call on you. In other words, do the assignment.
3. There is no chapter reading this week, so take your time with this assignment. 

Questions: please email me.

PS: I'll post quiz grades tomorrow.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Quiz 4 - Civil Liberties DUE Wednesday 2/17

Due: Wednesday 2/17 @ 940am

The quiz covers Chapter 4 of the textbook. I will close this quiz when class begins on Wednesday. Please also read Chapter 5 at some point.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A note on the Double-Chapter Reading

For Wednesday, 2/17, just go ahead and make sure you focus more on Chapter 4. The quiz (which I'm editing, still), will only cover Chapter 4 on Civil Liberties.

As for Chapter 5 on Civil Rights, you should at lease skim it. Its a much more "narrative" chapter and because it deals with contemporary issues, it will be useful for our discussions. In other words, it is a VERY important chapter -- especially in terms of the social development of the US -- and you should become familiar with it (there might even be a midterm question about Civil Rights...maybe).

Be on the lookout for the Quiz tomorrow, Friday 2/12.

Monday, February 8, 2016

HW: The Federalist Papers DUE WEDNESDAY

Here is the homework assignment for the Federalist Papers, 10 & 51. They are guiding questions to help focus the arguments into something understandable.

Below are copies of the papers (they are also in the textbook appendix). If I were you, I would print these copies out so you can highlight or take notes/questions in the margins.

Remember, there is no reading from the textbook this week or any quizzes, so do your best to try to understand these (complicated) readings.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Homework Due Monday

The above link contains directions for this week's assignment. Please read the directions and have your work ready for Monday's class. Remember, I will ask you to leave if I find that you aren't prepared. Please type and print responses if possible

How long does it need to be? Answer the questions thoughtfully; as long as you need it to be.

Questions? Email me.

The results for the third quiz are above. Better than last time. About 10 or so folks did not take this quiz and there isn't another quiz for at least a week. Be sure to get in the habit of doing them once we begin having quizzes again. I will discuss the questions most of you missed on Monday.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Powerpoint Slides: Constitution

>>Link: PowerPoint Notes, The Constitution part 2<<

I will normally not post my lecture slides since it discourages folks from showing up to class. But since our lecture ran short in favor of our discussion, here are the remaining slides.

See you Wednesday, don't forget to take the chp. 3 quiz by tomorrow morning.