Monday, April 11, 2016

Extra Credit #2: Course Reflection

Extra Credit No. 2 - Course Reflection
(Counts for Homework/Participation Score)
Due Monday April 18, 2016
5 Points

300 Words Minimum
Must Be Typed, No Exceptions.
Failure to do either will result in a no points given.

You are to write a short reflection essay on the topic you’ve find most interesting of those we’ve discussed since the Midterm. 

What about this topic did you find most fascinating? Did it challenge your assumptions or how you previously viewed it? What is something you didn’t know before about the topic that others should know? What is something about the topic that you are still unclear about or would like to know more about? Are there any current events that relate to the topic that you feel you understand better as a result of the lesson?

The direction your essay takes is up to you, and the questions above will help guide you. I will give low scores for pedantic (dull) responses.

Pick one:
The Congress
The Presidency/Executive Branch
The Judicial Branch/Courts
The Media
Public Opinion/Ideology


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